OEG student success stories – Mallika

Meet Mallika Khathuria, a determined individual who embarked on a transformative academic journey and pushed the boundaries of her initial degree in Accounting and Finance. Mallika’s story is a testament to the power of networking and the unexpected doors that open when we remain open to connections.

During her undergraduate years, Mallika participated in a summer exchange program with The Ottawa Education Group, where she had the opportunity to connect with fellow students from all corners of India. This summer exchange course paved the way for her career path.

At OEG, Mallika delved into a Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship Course, guided by the mentorship of Michael Weatherhead, MBA. , a pivotal figure in her journey. Mike even went above and beyond by providing her with a recommendation letter for law school in Leeds, UK.

Little did Mallika know that her time in Canada would catalyze future success. Coming to Canada to pursue a course with OEG led her to push out of her comfort zone and apply to the University of Leeds in the UK, where she is currently in her second year of law school.

Reflecting on her journey, Mallika emphasizes the importance of being open to connections and the power of networking. She credits her international experience for broadening her horizons and unlocking doors she never thought possible.

“I didn’t realize how one connection in Canada would shape my future. Networking is powerful, and being open to connections can lead to unexpected opportunities,” Mallika shares.

In Mallika’s own words, “It’s really crazy how my life turned out, and going to Canada was the best thing for me.” Her story inspires others to navigate their educational and career paths. OEG is here to help, and we aim to help you reach your highest potential.

Thank you to our alumni Mallika Khathuria . We appreciate both our former OEG students and those who will join us in the future!